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Socially Conscious College Campuses

Page history last edited by Shelley 14 years, 11 months ago

Socially Conscious College Campuses


Here are some possibilities:








Look for schools that are engaged members of Campus Compact: http://www.compact.org/about/


Activist Campuses according to Steven Antonoff's "College Finder" book:


Binghamton University

Howard University

Mt. Holyoke College (MA)

New School for Social Research (NY)

Stanford University

University of Illinois, Urbana

University of Massachusetts, Amherst

University of Minnesota, Morris

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

University of Wisconsin at Madison


Off the top of my head:


Amherst College (MA)

Bard College (MA)

Barnard College (NY)

Brown University (RI)

Claremont McKenna College (CA)

Clark University (MA)

Davidson College (NC)

Drew University (NJ)

Hampshire College (MA)

Haverford College (PA)

George Washington University (DC)

Guilford College (NC)

Macalester College (MN)

New York University (NY)

Oberlin College (OH)

Pitzer College (CA)

Rutgers University (NJ)

Smith College (MA)

Swarthmore College (PA)

Vassar College (NY)

Wellesley College (MA)

Wesleyan University (CT)

Yale University (CT)


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