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Haiku Journals

Page history last edited by Shelley 16 years, 1 month ago

For many years, and for various reasons, I have been relatively disinterested in seeking publication of my writing.   


Lately (Jan '08) I have been thinking about maybe seeing if I can get some of my haiku "out there" in some way.  (Although as soon as I started thinking that way my haiku flow took a big hit.  Coincidence?  Hmmm....)


Anyway, I'm collecting options here:


Acorn - http://home.earthlink.net/~missias/Acorn.html (Carolyn Hall, ed.)


Acorn publishes in October and April; submissions are due by the end of August and February, respectively.




Atlas Poetica - http://www.modernenglishtankapress.com/atlaspoetica/submit.html


Atlas Poetica 2, 2008 — Submissions will open on 1 March and close on 31 May, 2008.

Atlas Poetica 3, 2009 — Submissions will open on 1 September and close on 30 November, 2008.


bottle rockets - http://www.geocities.com/bottlerockets_99/ 


          published 2x a year, in February & August


            Please send no less than 5 and no more than 10 haiku, senryu or related poems. Any submission of more than 10 poems will not be reviewed or returned.  There should be no more than 5     poems per 8 1/2" x 11" page. Do not send, for example, 5 poems on 5 separate sheets of paper. 5 poems go on one sheet.


            Each page should be typed and have the name,address, and e-mail (if you have one) of the author in the top right corner.


            Cover letters: It is highly recommended that poets submitting work for the first time include a cover letter.


            SASEs: All submissions must be accompanied by an self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE) that is a size #10 (4" x 9.5"). Please do not send huge or really tiny envelopes. The standard size #10 is required.


             No simultaneous, previously published material, and/or work that has "appeared" anywhere in the universe please for any reason. That means in newsletters, websites, e-zines, blogs, discussion groups, contests, programs, flyers, any thing you can possible think of. Even if it is printed somewhere and the editor of that publication doesn't consider it "published" WE DO. If it has "appeared in public" or been published, do not send it.


Heron's Nest - http://www.theheronsnest.com/


            Dec. 15, 2007 = for receipt of work to consider for Mar. 2008 issue

            March 15, 2008 = for receipt of work to consider for June 2008 issue

            June 15, 2008 = for receipt of work to consider for Sept. 2008 issue

            Sept. 15, 2008 = for receipt of work to consider for Dec. 2008 issue


            Haiku may be sent at anytime for consideration for the next available issue.


The Heron’s Nest Vol. IX (due April 2008) [cover detail, Jamie Edgecombe]

As The Heron’s Nest’s founding editor Christopher Herold reminds us:

Full coverage of the awards, including an overview, editorial commentary,

thirty additional poems that merit inclusion in the “special mention”

section, and comments by several voters will all be presented along with

the four quarterly issues in their entirety in the paper edition of

Volume IX, due to come out early in April.

The cost to purchase a copy of Volume IX is $16 in the United States,

u.s.$18 in Canada or Mexico, and u.s.$20 elsewhere. Please make checks

or money orders payable in U.S. funds to The Heron’s Nest or

Christopher Herold and send to:

The Heron’s Nest

Christopher Herold, Ed.

816 Taft Street

Port Townsend, WA 98368




Iron Press - http://www.ironpress.co.uk/haiku.html


Modern Haiga - http://www.modernhaiga.com/


Roadrunner - http://poetrylives.com/roadrunner/; (an online journal)




Please send haiku/senryu submissions to Jason Sanford Brown [jason@roadrunnerjournal.net] or Scott Metz [scott@roadrunnerjournal.net] with 'Roadrunner Submission' and your name in the subject line. Include your submission in the body of the email; no attachments please. On all submissions, please include a short bio.

haiku/senryu: Roadrunner will consider haiku/senryu of any school written in English. Please send 5 to 15 haiku/senryu at a time for consideration. All haiku/senryu must be unpublished and not under consideration elsewhere.

Roadrunner is a quarterly web journal that will be published on the first Saturday of February, May, August, and November. Submissions are accepted at any time.

If your work is included in Roadrunner, please credit the journal as Roadrunner or Roadrunner Haiku Journal. Thank you.


Simpy Haiku - http://www.poetrylives.com/SimplyHaiku/SHv6n1/index.html (an online journal)


Six steps to submission:


1. Read the Editor's Introduction to the genre/section of Simply Haiku to which your submission pertains [e.g., if you are submitting haiku, read the Haiku Editor's Introduction, found in the Contents listing of the current issue]. This will let you know what the Editor has in mind with respect to his/her section.

2. Address your email to the correct editor [editors are listedbelow]. [We do not accept submissions by regular mail].

3. Create a Subject Line that reads "Simply Haiku Submission, genre" but specify the genre (see list below) in your subject line [e.g., Simply Haiku Submission - haibun].

4a. Add Poetry Text: Type or Paste the text of your poetry directly into body of the email. Because of virus problems and difficulties in translating from one type of document to another and between computers, we do not accept text attachments in any format [.doc, .txt, .rtf, etc.].

 OR ~

4b. Attach Artwork: If your submission is artwork, either INSERT the artwork directly into the body of the email or ATTACH your artwork to the email message [see artwork guidelines, above].

5. Add Your Biography and Photo: Please include a biography and a photo. You may embed the photo directly into the body of the email, or as an attachment (a regular print photo may be scanned into a JPEG or other well known image file format). The Biography need not be elaborate. If you're unclear about what to include, have a look at some of the biographies in the current issue of Simply Haiku.

6. Read, Copy and Paste the permission statement (below) into the body of your email beneath your submission.

Permission Statement: I guarantee that the work I am submitting is my own original work. I guarantee that these works have never been published electronically or in print, and that it has not been accepted for publication elsewhere. I understand and agree that Simply Haiku acquires first serial rights for works submitted and I offer Simply Haiku first serial rights on the work I am submitting; I agree that if Simply Haiku accepts my work for publication, first publication acknowledgement to Simply Haiku will appear with the work in any subsequent publications. I understand and agree that works published in Simply Haiku shall not be published elsewhere before or within a period of 30 days from their Simply Haiku release date. I give Simply Haiku the right to publish and archive accepted work.





David G. on "show, don't tell":   http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/ethicalesq/2007/06/03/too-many-tell-ems-psyku-lower-haiku-quality/


David G.'s published haiku:  http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/ethicalesq/the-published-haiku-of-david-giacalone-2005-2007/


Red Moon Press puts out an annual anthology:  http://www.redmoonpress.com/


World Haiku Club: http://athenaeum-contents.blogspot.com/

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